Photography #14682 from Fine Art Print


Fine Art Prints
Fine Art Prints


The image is printed on Art  Photo Paper (2300gsm) using the Giclée process. This photo paper uses an optical brightening agent (OBA). This results in a whiter white-point. It is made from wood pulp and therefore considered archival grade. It is also IS09706 tested, acid & lignin free, FSC certified and produced in Saxony, Germany.

Giclée printing uses 11 CMYK inks to give much smoother gradient transitions and a wider colour gamut. In other words, there’s more depth and richness to the final print, which helps to create beautifully vibrant artworks with amazing reproduction.
Giclée prints are used in world class exhibitions and galleries, so will hopefully make my pictures look as good as possible on your wall…


8×12″ / 20x30cm

10×15″ / 25x38cm

16×24″ / 40x60cm

20×30″ / 51x76cm

24×36″ / 61x91cm


Includes Worldwide free shipping  –  Estimated delivery time of 8-12 business days